May 14, 2011


C'est moi, Christina. Looking for Brooke again because she's an amazing blogger? Well too bad, she's not here. Come back in a day.

Doing shots as in, like, drinking alcohol, by the way guys...not like DOING shots as in like having sex with needles...

So as you can see, I'm feeling pretty random right now. I know you all read this blog to find out details about our lives, but since our lives are pretty random too, I'm going to include some random stuff in our entries to keep it interesting. ( I know the word "random" is way overused, but I can't think of a better word , so if you know one tell me, I promise I'll use it. )

Had an awesome day today. Consisted of waking up late, skipping saturday school, SHOPPING ( !! ), coming home to freshly baked white chocolate chip macadamia nut cookies and milk ( Yes, COOKIES. Not some asian food like, soy sauce stuffed dumplings ), warm shower-ed then curling up on the couch with a snuggie. Now that it's night, I migrated into my room so I can skype Brooke in peace... without my six year old ( This is the part where he normally yells, "And THREE QUARTERS!" ) brother popping up from behind my back with some half-naked superman action figure asking me whether I wanted to play Super Mario Sports Mix with him. No thanks Kevin, trust me, I'm good.

As I was skyping with Brooke, in the middle of our conversation about ways to improve the blog, I suddenly blurted out randomly, "LET'S PLAY CLUB PENGUIN!!" She looked RIGHT at me through the my computer screen even though she lives like 20 miles away from me, she made the o____O face for like 5 seconds and then finally agreed, saying "Umm...okay." I immediately got totally excited because I haven't touched that game in like, years, and quickly went on the site of the familiar ( Yes, I know that's sad ) interface of colourful penguins grinning stupidly at each other.
See the yellow penguin grinning eagerly ( more like, idiotically ) at everyone? Even his friend the green penguin is like, "Umm...what are you doing? Stop, you're embarrassing yourself." The blue penguin guide out in front is giving a tour like, "And to the left, we have our weirdly-friendly-to-everyone penguins whom smiles night and day." Haha, I know it's supposed to be welcoming and all and it's just a game for kids ages 10 and below, but personally I just find it creepy. LOL, check out the orange penguin looking all hot and posing for a portrait.

How are colourful penguins related to shots? Or even more reasonably, why is this related to me? Why should I care about penguins doing shots, you may ask. I'll get to that soon, I promise.

Today while shopping with friends, we went into this Bose store and tested out their sound systems: blasting LMFAO feat. Lil' Jon's Shots at nearly full volume - even after the sales guy warned us to play something "appropriate." Definitely should listen to the song; total ear orgasm. ;] But how are they connected? Well, penguins and shots have alot in common. Both are colourful, both are cold ( Well, they live in ANTARCTICA, don't they?? ) and both are amazingly delicious. ( JK JK, I promise I'm not that asian. ) As to why this concerns you? Imagine if the penguins in Antarctica all started doing shots...

*Visualize ~*

Penguins starts having hang overs. Tired penguins stays in their igloos, lies down on their icy couches, and not move all day. Eats canned tuna instead of cooking healthy shrimp diet dinners. Penguins slowly get fat. Antarctica slowly starts to sink due to all the overweight penguins. Giant iceberg sinking = flooding our lovely continents and drowning us?

*End of visual*

See, this relates to you. Told you. I would keep going on and on  about my rant about penguins and shots but I'm too tired and am half asleep right now. I bet you're like, THANK GOD. Not even sure if anyone's even read up to this point, but if you did, you have my full appreciation because creating pictures about penguins requires love and care. <3

This has been a long blog about pointless things all smushed together. ( I love that word, SMUSHHHHED! ) I hope you enjoyed it, so link back to us and recommend it to your friends! Don't worry, they'll think we're cool, just like you secretly do too. ;] If you didn't enjoyed it, here's a little something for ya.

Yes, it's a fat cat flipping you off. Shut up.

Yes, I am very ladylike and 100% mature. :] Haha, goodnight guys.

much looove;

xo Christina.

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