July 28, 2011


Go away, no one wants you here!
Haha, kidding. <3
Until I met you, I didn't know that going to the library could be so much fun. We got kicked out so many times since we kept on getting caught for sneaking food into the children's section and for talking too loudly.

Whenever I spend time with you, I always laugh like I'm high and we always talk about the most PERVERTEDEST/randomest/meanest/weirdest shit ever.
I'm going to miss you and your handsanitizer that smells like women, with your sperm-like antibacterial beads and the lightening sunscreen that draws an arrow that points to the penis on tan guys.
I'm so glad that some asshole got us to know each other better this year, and even though he was a complete mistake, I'm still glad that "mistake" happened.
Biology class had been boring until you transfered into it :] I no longer groan at the thought of pig anatomy because I'd be too busy laughing at all the jokes we cracked about it.
Poor pigs.

From stripping behind the bleachers to bouncing up and down on Sahar's trampoline, this year was amazing.
Now go jump off a building.
YOU !!

Much love;

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