August 8, 2011

Zucchini Bread

More bread? YES
You don't even have to like zucchini to like this! So why not try it? :)

Here's everything your going to need!
Vegetable oil
Baking powder
Baking soda
pecans (optional)

Start by combining 1cup of oil, 3eggs, 2cups of sugar, 2cups of grated zucchini, and 2teaspoons of vanilla in a large bowl

Then add 3cups of flour, 1teaspoon of baking soda, 1/4teaspoon of baking powder, 1teaspoon of salt, and 3teaspoons of vanilla
                                                        1cup of pecans

Take the pecans, and chop them up as finely as desired
(Works best if you don't chop them all at once) 

Now your going to need a loaf pan, and lightly grease and flour it

Then pour the batter into the pan and cook at 350degrees for 1hour and 25minutes (or until done)
Check to see if your breads done by sticking a tooth pick straight through the top, if it comes out clean, your bread is ready, if theres some uncooked batter add 5more minutes until ready
And this is what your finished bread should look like!
Enjoy <3 :)

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