May 15, 2011

So, umm, yeahh...( Rant Continued. )

After skyping with Brooke for 3 + hours, she fell asleep on me, so I now have time to write this in peace without getting distracted. Like she literally was making Blow Job faces at me on camera. Jealous now? You should be. And yes, I did capitalize the words "blow job", I felt the need to.

I know all of these LONG blog entries have been boring, so I promise I'll get a new camera soon to post pretty pictures with the blog! I personally like picture books, just for looking at the pictures, so I know how it feels to click to some site and feel like I'm reading a chapter book. Written by me, I might add, which adds to the boredom. Good thing Brooke is here to balance things out: She's entertaining, so because she's my friend, she'll decrease my "bleh-ness" and neutralize out my "useless rants" because she always knows what to say. Wow, this is like a math equation and biology formula at the same time...Complicated stuff.

In case you didn't notice the Twitter box on the left side of the site, ( then I strongly advise you to go see an...I don't know how to spell the word for the eye doctor, so let's just go with "eye doctor," ) follow us and see what we're doing! Whether it's because you enjoy knowing details about us, or is a curious person in general, or just like to stalk people ( creep... ), I promise you we'll make you happy with all of the weird happenings going on in our lives.

Kinda late, and I didn't even start my essay yet...which is due tomorrow, by the way. See this is how special you guys are, I don't do my homework just so I can blog to you guys. I'm sorry though...sleep is way more important than blogging anyday, so goodnight readers and hello Big Fluffy Bed!

Kidding, I love you guys, but seriously it's late so I'm going to bed.

Much love;

xo Christina. <3

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