June 12, 2011


Last week, my panties were all scrunched up in a knot, and everyone was pissed at everyone, and it was just so messed up and dramatic. Right now, I got all of my crap straightened out, and life's good again. ;]
So tomorrow, BROOKE, Little-Miss-Perfect, has Saturday school, ( AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, I know right ??! That secretly makes me happy. ) and I don't...For the first time in WEEKS. Anyways, in order to prove what an amazing person I am, I'm going to wake up at 8 FRICKIN' AM and go to Saturday school with her. The teacher better not kick me out, or else I swear to God I'm going to bring a blanket to school and sleep in the middle of our quad, right on top of our school mascot, the Falcon.
After Saturday school, me and Brooke are going to head downtown and probably get lunch before we go SHOPPING ! Just saying/seeing/hearing that word sets off a mini orgasm inside my head, that's how exciting shopping is to me. <3
After shopping, both me and Brooke are going to see a movie with our friend, Poop. ( No, that's not his real name. Yes, I like giving nicknames to people, just in case some creepy stalker reads this. ) He calls me Bing-Bing, and I call him Poop. See, we're cool people like that.  The movie we're going to watch is called, "Super 8."
I think in Canada, where I'm from, Super 8 was some type of lottery ticket...
It's 2 AM, I'm going to sleep. Will blog about my weekend some other time. Good night !
Much love;
- xo Christina, <3

Yeeeeah...I kind of wrote this yesterday but forgot to post this, so I'm posting this on Saturday. I'm not a weirdo, I promise.

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