August 2, 2011

Emo(tional) People.

WARNING: The following entry contains judgmental, rude, weird, random thoughts that are irrelevant to Reader and Reader's daily life. Readers may be offended or disgusted by Writer's opinions. Post may cause side effects including:
- Spamming this blog with angry comments
- Urge to slap Writer
- Heart attacks
- Fainting from Writer's awesomeness
If Reader experiences any of the side effects listed above after reading post, Writer holds no responsibility because she warned you beforehand and will therefore laugh in Reader's face. 

You have been warned !!

I went shopping the other day, and I saw this hobo. He was sitting by himself in the corner of a wall with a little tin bucket in front of him. As I passed by, he lifted his bucket and asked me, "Spare change, Miss?" I pulled out my wallet and gave him all the change I had. After shopping I got on the bus, and 8 stops later, I got off. I went into Starbucks, and THERE THE HOBO WAS, ordering an Expresso and talking on his IPHONE !!
I stood there, speechless, and watched as he walked out to his LEXUS which was parked out in front. Small world?


(Now, I'm not calling the hobo a liar. Some nice rich person could have given him the iPhone and the Lexus...but what are the chances of that?)
Instead of feeling stupid or disgusted like a normal person, I felt happy for the hobo and I was proud of him. Why?
Because instead of wallowing in self pity and crying in a corner about how poor and dirty he is, or about how tough his life is, he's actually making use of his life by ripping off people like me. Instead of accepting his fate, he's working hard to change it, and he is successful at life.
I'm happy because I'm glad that he's not some sore loser who thinks being depressed is going to change anything in life. There are kids starving in Africa for God's sake! You don't see THEM all crying about how hungry they are.
I have met countless people in my 16 years of age who are extremely emotional, crying over any little bad thing. Scraped her knee? I wanna die. Lost his wallet? It's the end of the world. Twilight is out? *Howls in pain.*

Yummy. :]
 What these people don't get is, being upset ISN'T going to CHANGE anything.
Let's say the world is going to end tomorrow. What should we do? Should we cry so much that we flood the earth so we die FASTER, or should we try our hardest to build a giant rocket so we can all fly to the Moon or something? (Don't tell me humans can't live on the moon, I'm on a roll.)

 A girlfriend of mine was crying awhile ago and in between tears she choked out, "He said he would die for me." Even though I played the supportive friend role and whispered comforting words to her, inside my mind I thought, "Girl, get over it. I know it's painful, but you'll live. You both broke up for a reason, and it wasn't meant to be. And why should he die for you? Because he loved you? I love you but I wouldn't die for you. Life is precious, no one should willingly die for any cause."
Is crying about it really going to make the situation better? If she loved him so much, she should go try to talk to him and figure things out. If she didn't, she should get over it and go out and find a new boyfriend.
Now here's the ultimate decision: You only have ONE life, so are you going to let little hardships distract you from your path to success... and eventually be so upset that you suicide over them, or you're going to tell them to fuck off and jump over the obstacles so you can enjoy your life?
Blah blah Christina, there are some things you just can't get over, blah blah, don't be so cold.
While you sit here and lecture me about being less cold and having a bigger heart, I'm going to be off living my life. Go ahead and waste your life by calling me an ice-hearted bitch, you can even lie in your death bed and your last words can be, "Christina is horrible."
 Well, that's Christina for you.
You are gifted with only one life, and it can be taken back anytime, so live it to the fullest.

Crying makes people ugly. Don't be ugly.
Part 2 coming soon.

Much love;

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