August 3, 2011


Okay I hope Christina doesn't do another post about this because I hope I can end it with this one, but I know I have no control over what that girl does, you can tell her to stop a million times and she wont listen because that's just who she is, but that's what makes her, well her right?

I'll respond to some of the things she said, well actually almost nothing, and try to wrap everything up like a messed up present

duct tape fixes everything
 Yes, I did say,  "As long as something is enough to actually make you upset, it matters." BUT if she actually read the whole post, I also said , "Know whats a big deal, know what is worth your tears and worth the hurt" Just because the rain ruins your plans you shouldn't cry and become all depressed, that's not what I was trying to say! Don't waste your life crying, take the appropriate amount of time to grieve over something or someone and that amount of time is different for different people and situations, don't go over board and cry for a month about loosing your job, go out and get another one. Your mom died? Make her proud and go live your life the way she would've pictured for you.
The past is behind you, the future is all that is ahead, live in the present, live for the future and remember the past is the past for a reason. Get past it.

I feel like I had to lay out rules for peoples emotions, but that's not what I'm trying to do, I just hope people will understand what I'm saying or trying to say. This was short because I' not going to go analyze everything she said and I'm not going to make these posts like an ongoing conversation, that's just to much for you guys to read....

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